Mijn productiviteit is echt next level gegaan sinds ik coaching van Hamid krijg.
Na een half uurtje praten met Hamid ben je helemaal mindblown.
Bram Ramakerslimitless Academy
Sinds ik door Hamid gecoached wordt ben ik zowel in mijn persoonlijk ontwikkeling als in mijn Business gegroeid. Deze man weet waar hij het over heeft.
Bryan JansenFrom Zero to Hero
Ik heb en volg nog steeds een geweldige coachingstraject bij Hamid. 1 woord: topper!
Zoveel inzichten en tools die je direct kan toepassen in een druk bestaan met gezin, ondernemingen, als mens.
Mustapha HannatiCEO Jeugdprofs
Hamid is one of the best examples of leadership in the sales industry. I've seen him grow to high levels as a result of his personal growth. He brings a lot of passion and know how to his coaching. Therefore I believe he can help anyone become the best version of themselves.
Dominic KotarskiAuthor of The Making
Hamid is THE personal development king. His understanding of leadership helps leaders and their teams reach unknown hights.
Wessel BerkmanDe Commerciele Revolutie
Hamid is one of the best if not the best coach in the Netherlands on personal development. If you want to get to the next level. Hamid will get you there.
Ali BDutch Celebrity
Hamid has initiated and continues to contribute a lot to my personal and business development. Wherever you are in life or business, I am confident he can help you get where you want to be.
Naima AmdaouechFounder Punch Women's Health Clubs
Wether he motivates groups of people with his brilliant public speaking skills or sits people down in 1 on 1’s, he always gives people 100% of what he has to offer. The consistancy with which I have personally seen him do this for a full decade is admirable and therefore I would fully recommend not only Hamid’s work but especially his personality to everybody .
Marcel van OersMotivational Speaker
For more than three years now and I am lucky to receive coaching from Hamid. Because of his help I managed to take myself to the next level and thereby not only promote my personal success, but also the success of the entire establishment that I manage every day.
Eli van LieshoutBusiness Development
Through his extensive experience and skills, Hamid can help you become an inspiring coach, he can help you implement any new business or expand your current one and he's a sales and marketing genious, so he can help with that as well. That's pretty amazing right?
Nitai NijholtTalent Coach
If you want to be successful, you will be if you learn from Hamid and do what he tells you.
Joey VisserSerial Entrepreneur
Hamid has a lot to offer if you want to learn and develop yourself, wether as an individual or as an entrepreneur. I certainly learned a lot from him.
Mohcin AmdaouechMohcin op Wereldreis
Hamid is honestly the best coach I know, a weekend with him will change your life, just like it changed mine.